Dry dilution fridges
Blue Lagoon
Specifications :
Bluefors LD dilution refrigerator with base temperature under 10 mK
Vector magnet, 6-1-1 T
0.2-3 GHz read-out line with cryogenic low noise amplifier
Bottom loader for fast sample exchange
32 high frequency lines / 24 DC lines
4 – 8 GHz read-out line with cryogenic low noise amplifier
Experiments :
Characterization of superconducting resonators
Silicon quantum dots coupled to superconducting resonators
Germanium quantum dots
Silicon hole spins coupled to cavity photons
Smurf is BlueLagoon's "twin" fridge, with a brand new RF tree! It has now 17 RF lines and 2 low noise amplifiers.
Specifications :
Oxford Instruments dilution refrigerator with base temperature under 10 mK
Vector magnet delivering up to (1, 1, 6) Tesla on (x, y, z)
Bottom loader for fast sample exchange
4 high frequency lines from which a read-out line goes through a cryogenic low noise amplifier
24 DC lines
Experiments :
Characterization of double quantum dot hole systems
Hole Spin Qubit experiments
Reflectometry based readout
Specifications :
3He refrigerator fully homemade, except for the pulse tube
Magnetic field (8T)
High frequency and DC linesfor qubit experiments
Additional wiring for cryo-CMOS out of the field
2 independent RF reflectometry setups with cryogenic low noise amplifiers
Experiments :
Silicon nanowire quantum dots
Quantum bits
Wet dilution fridges
Specifications :
Home-made wet dilution refrigerator with continuous exchangers
Base temperature around 40 mK
Magnetic field up to 8 T
Two independent radio-frequency reflectometry setups
Experiments :
Reflectometry on coupled quantum dots
Transport in quantum dots and electron pumps