Welcome to LATEQS !

Laboratory Quantum Electronic Transport and Superconductivity

Exploring and exploiting
electronics properties of materials and devices

LaTEQS team is part of the PHELIQS laboratory , a joint unit between CEA, UGA and G-INP at the IRIG Institute. It is located at the CEA-Grenoble in the north/west area of the Grenoble city, at the heart of the Giant Campus and close to the CNRS Neel Institute and the CEA/LETI (CEA Applied technology division).

The research activities at the LaTEQS are focusing on exploring the electronic quantum properties of materials and devices. Those include 2D materials such as graphene or hybrid superconducting/semiconducting nanostructures and silicon/germanium spin qubits.

The LaTEQS offers various experimental set-up’s operating at very low temperature supported by nanofabrications facilities around (PTA and LETI-CEA).

The LaTEQS gathers around 30 people among them eleven permanents researchers, support staff, PhD’s and post-doc’s.

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